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I have written to you previously about our Citreon.

The current issue is that we had the cambelts replaced 4 months ago. At the time the mechanic advised that the crank pulley needed fixing. There were delays getting a part and by time the mechanic fixed the pulley there was damage to the new cambelt. We then got advice from you and we negotiated them fixing the cambelt. Probably less than a month later the car stopped and we put it back in and were told that the motor had been wrenched as the cambelt bearing bolt had snapped and things were bent. They have given us two options to replace the motor with a new one or repair the old one.
We are concerned that whats happened now is related to the previous work they have done and I wanted to ask
1 - Whether the cambelt bearing bolt should be checked or replaced when the cambelts were replaced?
2 - Would over tightening the tensioner on the cambelt cause the bolt holding the cambelt bearing to snap?
3 - What are the likely causes of the cambelt bearing bolt snapping?


A bolt will not usually break without reason. A possible scenario is that the bolt could have been tightened more than the recommended tightening torque or left loose - but this is only possibilities for now. In this case I would suggest you have an independent mechanical inspection carried out, at your cost, to determine the cause of failure and possibly who is liable for the repair costs. In this case I would definitely be asking for more answers from the dealership. If they are MTA approved then you can also contact the MTA to discuss the matter with them. The dealer should hopefully have insurance to cover them for cases when they are at fault - if this is the case. I can recommend a few mechanical inspectors. If you supply me with your e-mail address I can e-mail you their details.


Thanks my email address is


Hi don't seem to have heard back about recommended mechanical inspectors in napier? Thanks - email


Have e-mailed you a few contacts details for inspectors.