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Hi there, can you advise what is the best timing setting for a Toyota MR2. I have just had it serviced and think the timing is running too fast, I have been told that if when idleing say at the lights and the odometer reads below 1 then that is correct - I disagree and feel it is too fast - it has not sounded like this before (it is a different mechanic who serviced the car this time), so I would like to know my facts if I go back to the mechanic.


I think you're confusing timing with idle speed, as unless it is a very early MR2, it is not possible to alter the timing. However, idle speed is generally not more than about 800rpm.
If the mechanic changed the coolant during the service, it is possible that there is an air lock in the system. Some models have an air valve which controls idle speed, and if there is no water circulating around the valve, idle speed will be affected. Very often, the air bleeds itself out and the idle returns to normal. If not, the mechanic may be able to bleed the system.
Also, just make sure all the air hoses etc are not loose or sucking in air, and that the air filter is correctly fitted etc. Other than that, there's not much he could have done to affect the idle speed.