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Hi,I had my van to my garage to stop a squeak in the engine.They said new fan belt was needed,but squeak was still here.They said another fan belt tensioner may work,but squeak still here.They said it needs a new water pump but still the squeak is here.They tried a new pulley but still no better.Do you have any ideas that may help?I dont want to replace every part on the motor.
Regards Mike


It sounds as if your mechanic has exhausted most of the possibilities. In fairness to him, some of these things can be hard to pinpoint, especially if the noise isn't there all the time.
Generally speaking, assuming the noise is belt related, the first thing to check would be the condition and tension of the belts. So the first thing that comes to mind is - have all the belts been replaced and correctly tensioned?
In an attempt to diagnose the problem, when the squeal is present try using a water spray bottle, carefully aiming the spray at each individual belt and pulley, with the engine running. When water is aimed at the offending area the noise will disappear.
Other possibilities could be the alternator, power steering pump or a/c compressor. Unfortunately, when you're working in an area with rotational belts and pulleys, it's not always as simple as it sounds to pinpoint the problem.