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Hi recently bought a car and it has a bad roadfilm on the windscreen that virtually obliterates your view when the wipers are on but clears away fairly quickly when the wipers are turned off. Have tried neat windscreen cleaner, proprietary glass cleaners etc and wiping the blades down but doesn't do a lot to clear it. Similar with my other vehicles - we live by the sea so does salt spray play a part in this as well? Anything to help please? Thanks


Road film on glass is an age old problem and everyone you talk to has a different solution. Some use glass cleaners, detergents, alcohol or even a cut potato with newspaper.
One methode that works for sure, is a product called "Sparkel" and is available from glass merchants.
You must make sure the screen is warm, if need be run the heater for while. Sparkel is a polish and needs a bit of "elbow-grease", but the result is fantastic. Polish the glass just like you would be applying wax to protect the paint. A little bit of cleaner with a clean and soft rag and polish the glass by making tight circles. Once the cleaner gas gone dry, polish it off with a fresh and clean rag. Just like the movie The Karate-Kid, "wax on - wax off".
Make sure you don't touch any rubber mouldings around the screen with cleaner. The product will leave milchy marks which are hard to get off.
I would not bother with cleaning the wiper blades,get new ones. Replacing them with good quality ones, is money well spent.

This methode will give you a lasting clear screen and it is very cost effective.