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Hi Jack i own a Mazda Familia 1990 i think my starter motor is going BUT that's my thoughts please help sometimes the car just stops running and other times it's going good and sometimes it starts and it dosen't.Other than that it's going good please help

Thank you very much


If I understand your question correctly, the engine stops on occasion. If I have understood correctly, it will not be the starter motor. A starter motor fault will only be evident when you go to start the car - not when it is already running. The symptoms of a faulty starter motor are very similar to a faulty battery, in other words, the engine will not crank over or will crank over slowly.
An engine that stops running can be the result of numerous problems, generally relating to fuel delivery or lack of spark. Potential possibilities could be the fuel pump, coil or other electrical problem etc.
I'd suggest you have a mechanic take a look at it as there are too many possibilies for us to pinpoint the problem without more information.


Thank you for your time Jack really appreciate it