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Hi there, hopefully i can explain this as best i can and i really hope you can help.
In November 2011, i purchased the above car for $14,000. Before i did so, i had the AA do an inspection and they said the car was in great condition. I bought the car without extended warranty and took the 60 days that the car came with.
It was running perfectly until February. On February 3rd, i went to start the car and it would not start. I assumed a flat battery and after having roadside recuse come get me, they advised there was some kind of electrical fault. Then, while driving in traffic, the dashboard lights all came on and without notice the car lost all power. I could not brake or use my hazards to signal the traffic behind me that id broken down. To restart the car, i had to disonnect the battery and reconnect again, which worked. But the electrics in the car all had to be rest (the radio, the clock, the mileage trip counter). After a few times of this happening i returned to the gargare where i bought it mid February. They kept my car for a day and when i went to pick it up they simply said it was due to the immobiliser that this was happening and told me that they could not fix it but instead disconnected the immboliser completely and told me not to open the car with the remote!! As mad as i was (and after complaining without success) it seemed to work for a little while. But now the problem has returned and this is happening daily. When the car does not start i need to disconnect and reconnect the battery, reset the clock etc and im on my way. Yesterday however, this did not work and once again, i had to be rescused and my car has been towed to a garage.

Surely after just 5 months, i should not be having this trouble? Is the dealer liable to cover any/part costs of repair?

I am going to have my car taken to Toyota to go thorugh the diagnostics etc but any advice you may have would be great. Does anyone else have this problem?

Should i go back to the dealer or take things further?


Based on what you have said, the dealer is obliged to rectify this. The Consumer Guarantees Act applies, and there is no defined timeframe in the Act. Don't believe the dealer when he tells you it's 60 days - it is worded in such a way that it needs to last for a "reasonable" time.
As it originally failed within a couple of months, you have every right to insist the dealer rectifies the problem. As you purchased the vehicle with a working remote, then this needs to be reinstated.
However, while the dealer has obligations, so do you. Your obligation is to present the vehicle to the dealer to have it repaired. You cannot go elsewhere and expect the dealer to pay. therefore, you should go back to the dealer.
In the event the dealer will not agree to carry out the repair, you can take the matter to the Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal who can be contacted on 0800 367 6838.