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I joined AA yesterday, also took out membership for my partner. Additionally I upgraded both memberships to premium, think just over $200.00
Today i had to get a wof on my partners car, it passed flying colours.
The part I'm not happy about is I asked for a AA discount and was told sorry but I have been given the fuel discount and I can't also have a member discount.
It was the AA WOF station at glenfield.
To be honest I feel a little ripped off about this. i did call and complain but have had no response as yet.


I don't think you should feel ripped off, as you have been extended an AA Smartfuel benefit that far outweighs any applicable member discount.
AA WOF Testing Stations are currently offering .30c per litre for up to 50 litres of fuel - that's a $15.00 concession, which compares very favourably with the $5.00 member discount that had previously been operating.
I trust this explains the situation to your satisfaction.


No sorry don't agree. Anyone can get the aa fuel card, there is no requirement to be an aa member.
I think The membership agreement clearly states member discounts that members get., maybe I missed some fine print.


The fuel saving offered to non-members with a Smartfuel Card is .06c per litre, not .30c per litre which is extended to AA members, so an AA member receives a benefit of $15.00, compared against a $3.00 concession for non-members.


from what i have discovered since i have joining the AA this isnt a suprise. i took my car to get a wof on friday, it failed so i asked them to do the workit needed to pass, i had an important meeting in the afternoon, so asked if it would be ready for 2.30pm otherwise i would get it do another time. They assured me it would be fine. it wasnt, my car was still on the ramp. I payed and waited. I was then told it was ready as the brakes had just been finished , i took my paper work and left. When looking at the paper work after the meeting that i was late for the mistakes where amazing! the invoice has the wrong year of car, make of car and model of car! it saying that once the work was completed it was road tested, which is a lie, as i was allowed to take it as soon as the wheels were on. at least i got the fuel discount right! wrong! instead of the 30c it shows on this site i got 5c. Nice one AA, thanks alot will not be using you ever again!


Hi, can you please confirm what site you had your repairs completed at. Depending on what site you had your WoF done it will determine what either the Member discount or CPL offer is. Regardless we would like to look into further your concerns about the wrong details on your invoice. Could you please send me an email to with your vehicle and contact details and we will investigate. Thanks.