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I have a 1995 Mazda Familia (1485cc) with just under 150,000 kms recorded (but quite likely to be more, as the speedometer digits are not in alignment!).

The transmission fluid was checked at the last scheduled service and reported to be OK. It had a transmission flush and filter change several years ago. I don't drive many kms each year.

When starting off from standstill, the transmission has recently begun to behave oddly. When 'D' is selected on the gear change, the green illuminated 'D' symbol appears on the dashboard, but no power is transmitted to the wheels. Jiggling the gear selector back into 'N' and then back into 'D' often results in the power re-engaging but sometimes a couple of 'jiggles' are needed for this to happen. However, selecting '2' on the gear-change 'bypasses' this fault altogether. The car just acts normally and 'D' can then be selected from '2' without problem, when the car is actually moving.
Other than this, the gear changes all appear to take place as they should. There are no other faults that I can detect. No judders and no odd noises from the engine or transmission.

Does this suggest a simple maintenance issue or something more ominous?
Given the age and value of the car, I am reluctant to spend more than a minimal amount and would not consider having a major transmission overhaul carried out.

Thank you.


From your description, this sounds like a relatively simple problem, most likely a gear selector cable adjustment or maybe at worst, a replacement cable may be needed. If the gears are shifting fine, there are no unusual noises or judders, it's unlikely to be an expensive internal transmission problem.