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I had a puncture repaired by a local tyre shop and when I went to pick up the wheel there was a ring gouged right around the circumference of the alloy wheel about an inch in from the tyre. The wheel was brand new when the tyre was originally fitted and there is no question that the damage was done during the puncture repair. The tyre shop denies everything, claiming that the damage was already there. Any ideas on how to address this would be appreciated. Thanks.


Unfortunately, if the tyre shop won't accept responsibility, it becomes your word against theirs and can be difficult to prove either way. However, if the wheel was brand new, it sounds like the tyre fitting machine may have caused the problem.
If the tyre shop is part of a major chain, you could contact the head office.
The only other avenue open to you is to take the matter to the disputes tribunal. You'll need to get a quote for the cost to repair the wheel plus cost of switching the tyre over and any other incidental costs to lodge your statement of claim.
Unfortunately in these situations, many people decide that it's not worth the hassle if the cost of repair is only small, but sometimes it's a matter of principle.


Thanks, I thought that would probably be the case. The tyre shop concerned has an AA sign on the front of their premises, which I presume means they are an AA approved repairer. They should not be anything of the sort, in my view.


I stand to be corrected, but I'm not aware of any tyre shops in the AA Licensed Repairer network. However, If you are sure of your facts you can make a complaint with the AA, which will be investigated by the AA Manager responsible for AA Licensed Repairers.


Hmmm, I might just make a complaint to AA as you suggest. Their premises certainly are displaying the square yellow AA sign on the front, and it may well be that they are not entitled to do that. Thanks again.