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Same question as 21 January, just hoping for any answer.

I bought a 2nd hand engine described as "mint" from a dealer with 140,000km. When installed by mechanic it was discovered to have a failed head gasket. Follow up tests confirmed a cracked head as well. Now it has been subsequently discovered that one of the piston liners is also damaged. My question is: would the discovery of a cracked head and failed gasket inevitably mean the liner should have also failed, with that few kms and when it has been sold as "mint"? Thanks.


Many apologies that your question was missed back in January.

Clearly the engine you have been sold has been quite badly overheated. You don't mention what type of vehicle or engine you are referring to, but to answer your question in a general sense, a blown head gasket and cracked head doesn't always lead to a liner failing. However, when this amount of heat is generated, it is not uncommon.
Obviously, the engine wasn't as described and was not fit for purpose. As you bought it from a dealer, you may have some protection under the consumer guarantees act.


Thank you very much for that. It is a 4JG2 engine for an Isuzu Bighorn with chrome liners. It only managed a test start at the mechanics after installation, and the gasket showed up straight away.