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We have a 2008 Xt Falcon that has corrossion problems throughout the car.Initially there was rust in the boot area behind the rear screen and then rust in the engine bay behind the steering box and in the bonnet.The corrosion has been"Repaired" under Ford Corrosion Warranty which still has a year to run.We now have corrosion in the sill area and have grave concerns where else that we cannot see.Is this a Falcon issue?.We have asked of the dealer to resolve this problem before the warranty expires even if it means a replacement car and received a response we are less than satisfied with.Should I mention that when the repairs to the engine bay were done it was found necessary to underseal the car at the dealers cost becuse of "Surface Rust"Could this be a manufacturing fault in the original Corrosion Seal.Regards Sue Reece


I'd be concerned with corrosion to this extent on such a late model car.
As the corrosion warranty is due to expire but the problems have surfaced during the warranty period, you need to get some reassurance that should the corrosion return, you will be taken care of after the expiry date. From your description, it would appear that a less than satisfactory corrosion protection was applied during manufacture.
When you say they undersealed the car, I'm hoping any corrosion was properly treated before the application of the underseal, and not just sprayed over.
If the dealer is not giving you satisfactory answers, then the matter should be escalated to Ford New Zealand.


Oh Yes we have grave concerns we think we have bought the proverbial lemon.We were not aware that the car was to be undersealed so we can only hope. Ford Nz are only prepared to deal with us through the dealer and appear to be quite happy to continue to "repair"the car untill the warranty expires.It would be very easy to cut our losses and trade it to another brand but then some other poor soul would inherit these issues.Any suggestions to assist would be greatly appreciated and we would like to hear from other Falcon owners who may have the same problem.There is enough information on the net to suggest that Ford NZ/Australia are aware of this issue but will not recognise or confirm it.


Hi Sue, Very sorry to hear you're having corrosion issues with your Falcon. We do always recommend going to your local dealer first so they can evaluate the problem. But if you're not having luck with the local dealer and/or still have concerns or questions, then please contact us again direct -- Phone: 0800 FORD NZ (0800 367 369) or E mail: Thanks, Tom


Thanks for your interest Tom I have sent you an email.Sue