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I would like to ask you, what I should to do. I'm from Hastings, bud my car is in Palmerston North at some garage. I I can't start engine because there is wather and guy at garage told me, engine is death. But I like my car so much so I want to ask you if is possile that AA can pick up my car from garage transport to AA garage make a complete scan of engine and call me hov much cost will be repair, if repair can be. If not, can AA help me sell rest of car? or What is the best way for me in this situation. For sure I'll pay everything. But I'm from Hastings so can AA do these things without me? I can come to palmerston North in final time pay everything. Thank you so much for answer and sorry for my poor English I'm from Czech Repulic, Thank you. BTW, rest of the car is in good conditions.


Sorry about the delay in getting back to you.

If you still need help we suggest you make direct contact with our technical staff in Hastings.

Contact number is 06 878 2018.