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Hi there,

I'm just wondering how it works with putting your car registration on-hold:

I have recently been disqualified from driving for 3months and my registration is due for renewal. Obviously I'm not going to be driving the car & would rather NOT waste my money renewing it when the car won't be used!

If I put it on hold for 3 months will I still have to pay for that 3 month period OR would I only pay for however long I decide to register the car from the date that the hold period ends?

If you could help me out that would be great :)


The registration can be placed on hold for up to 12 months.

You are not required to pay for the period the registration is on hold

When you are ready to re-register the car you simply pay for the required period moving forward.

The only other requirement is the Warrant of Fitness needs to be current before the registration can be updated.

Go to the link below for more information.