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Dear Jack,
Both the owner's manual and Haynes repair manual specify 5W20 engine oil for my 2001 Honda Civic. In one of your replies on the AA website, you mentioned the Honda FEO as a 10W30 oil. Does this mean Honda NZ does not stock and use 5W20? If this is the case Honda owners cannot benefit from using the lower viscosity and higher econmy 5W20. Where in NZ can 5W20 oil be bought? Would it be possible to purchase it from overseas if it's not available in NZ?
Also, is it advisable to let my neighbourhood garage flush and renew my Honda's brake fluid (it's cheaper than the Honda agent)? Or does Honda have its unique brake fluid and so it's better to pay more for Honda to do the job?

Thanks very much for your expert advice!



Honda have changed their recommend oil viscosity and now sell Honda FEO (Fuel Efficient Oil) as a 10W - 30 grade. This oil still meets their specifications levels to ensure the best possible engine protection and fuel consumption.

The critical time for any engine in terms of wear is when it is started from cold. Oil circulation is therefore critical to ensure the best protection so the lighter the oil (5W) the better the circulation from a cold start. As the engine and oil increase in temperature the oil will change to a heavier grade (20).

Temperatures in NZ do not reach the extremes of some other countries hence the change without compromise, to a slighter heavier oil.

One downside of a light oil such as 5W can be an increase in oil consumption and noise as engine wear develops.

Your 2001 Civic will run fine with the 10W - 30 oil, in fact it may well be more beneficial especially if the car has travelled a reasonable distance.

We are not aware of Honda having their own unique brake fluid so it’s a job your local garage should be able to handle comfortably.