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My Holden Astra stalls anywhere within the first two kms or until the engine temperature builds up above 90 deg.Mostly stops at low RPMs like on turnings,waiting for signal.Restarting is with loud noise at RPMs close to 5-6000.Someone please help me as my regular mechanic is already tired of looking into.they have cleaned all the air filters/manifold?(Idon't reallly know).Many thanks in advance. cheers.Jim


It sounds like a cold start fast idle problem. This allows the engine to run a slighter richer fuel mixture and higher idle speed from cold and will gradually allow the engine to return to its normal settings when a predetermined temperature is reached.

I suggest you find another mechanic or consider taking the car into your local Holden Dealer.. They may well have encountered this problem before.

It may be beneficial to allow your repairer to have the car overnight so they can start the engine from cold.