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We own a 2005 Renault Scenic II Megane ex Singapore with 80,000km. Bought 2 years ago with 54,000km. We love the car but are concerned by the high maintenance costs in general and the frequency with which this is required (3 problems so far). Outside of normal service we have had to spend money on brakes, discs, computer faults, evm valves etc.
Now we are facing another major maintenance job and need to decide whether to continue to spend or replace. The car is well kept and garaged, used mainly in town but gets a few long trips each year.
In your opinion, is it worth keeping for another couple of years or are we throwing good money after bad?


The chances are this vehicle will continue to cost more than you would like however, you have to look at its resale value and how much you are prepared to spend on upgrading.

In other words, the change to another vehicle may cost you a lot more than a couple of repairs over the next few years.

The fact the car is from Singapore would make me a little more nervous than usual as used imports from this part of the world have been known to suffer from wiring/electronic issues due to the high humidity they have been exposed to.

One possible scenario may be to plan to keep it for another couple of years. If however, you have another unexpected and expensive repair, then it may be time to move it on.