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On our car the filter keeps self cleaning every 400 to 500 Kms max, sometimes a lot less. How long do you expect this filter to last at this rate please? Also the handbook mentions a warning light will come on when it needs self cleaning and we must not turn the engine off until completion. Snag is that warning light never lights up and the first we know about it is when the engine is turned off there is a burning smell and the engine fan is going very fast.Sad to say the dealer isn't sure and the makers customer assistance dept have no idea either.


I suspect what you are experiencing is the regeneration of the particulate filter.

Regeneration is the process of removing the accumulated soot from the filter which tends to build up more when the modern common rail Diesel engine does a lot of short and cold running.

The occasional long uninterrupted drive with a hot engine is one way of trying to burn up the soot accumulated in the filter and I suspect will greatly reduce what you are currently experiencing.

It may pay to check with the Dealer concerned that the engine fan speed is in fact connected with the particulate filter cleaning process.

If you are not getting the answers that make you feel comfortable ask (demand) for a in-depth explanation from the HO technical guru's.


Thank you for your reply Jack, I will indeed try getting an answer from the NZ HQ again and suggest that if they don't know perhaps they should ask Australia or even the factory who produce the vehicle.