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I have a whine in the automatic transmission for speeds between 40 and 50 kph when power is being applied. This whine disappears when coasting. The car is still under manufacturers warranty and the local Ford dealer is not very interested in determining the cause. Is this a common problem with 2009 models? Thanks, Ross


I suspect the noise is what is called a 'gear whine' and is not unusual in any mass produced transmission to be honest. When two gears mesh together they can produce different noises depending on load and speed.

Often changing the gears only moves the whine to a different speed/load or makes no difference at all.

You should however, insist the Dealer make a note of your concerns while the car is still under warranty and continue to monitor the whine.

This should protect you in the event the noise developed into something more serious.

If you wanted to go a step further you could ask for a technical representative from Ford NZ to drive the car on their next Dealer visit.