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Hi just wondering if you can tell me more about the Audi cambelt & water pump replacement as its seems to be a hot topic.
I've got a 2003 A4 Quattro 1.8T and although recommended to change between 120-150k (which seems really high), I've also been told that the water pumps should be done at the same time (and SHOULD be circa 60k)
Can you please tell me an informed rule of thumb on this? as there seems to be many, many schools of thought.
Anything else that I should take into consideration at the same time?


The changing of the cambelt and water pump together is good practice in our view.

The amount of labour involved accessing the cambelt is only repeated if the water pump had to be replaced at a later date. Also, as the water pump is driven from the cambelt, it makes sense to do them both at the same time.

The load applied to the water pump bearing can change when a new belt is fitted and it is not unheard of for an old water pump to fail not long after a new cambelt has been fitted. In fact, many repairers will only take on a cambelt replacement job if they can replace the water pump at the same time because they have been caught out in the past.

Cooling systems can be a minefield the older any vehicle becomes so don't be surprised if work on the radiator for example is also recommended once the mechanic has had his head under the bonnet.

A replacement period of around 150km’s is possibly correct but I suggest you double check with your local Audi Agent.


Thanks for the reply.
Funny that you mention the radiator as apparently a stop leak agent has been used in the radiator at some stage & I have also had to top up the coolant recently.

So I'll definitely allow for the radiator work as well when they're doing the cambelt / water pump service quote.

