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Our 1990 Toyota Corolla (one owner good condition) discharged its water from a fracture just below the Radiator cap and my wife stopped within a few 100 yards.
Local garage who has always been very friendly and helpful received the vehicle from a tow and we received a bill for $ 2055.00.Good detail on the account explained the test ( Tee-Kay) showed head and radiator unservicable.
Misc$25; and Labour 10@$650.The rest GST.
Have wondered whether this is good value or should I have been given an option to scavange about for better value parts perhaps? What do you think?


The cost does not surprise me, it sounds like the garage have done a good job and covered all the bases in ensuring a professional job.

What does surprise me however is the fact you were never given the opportunity to discuss your options. Regardless of its condition this vehicle has limited value and this repair is probably getting close to that mark.

I suspect there is little you can do about it know. Maybe a lesson learnt.

Regardless of the repair, remind your preferred repairer you need to be kept informed of costs before and during the job next time.


Yes I guess so. !
Thank you for your assessment of the bill.
Much appreciated.