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My son bought a car from a dealer last week which is turning out to look very dodgy. It is a 2003 Subaru Impreza WRX. Over the last few days we have discovered a LOT of faults with it. Two things in particular I want to ask about are: Do the reverse lights have to be working to get a warrant? (They don't work, and it got a warrant last week). And it also got a warrant with a cracked tail light in 2 places. Is that okay? And the other tail light has condensation in it. Should it have passed a warrant with these faults? There are lots of other faults as well which we will be approaching them about on Monday. The car has been in a accident and it looks like it has been thrown back together in a hurry. There are bits falling off it, and seals around the doors coming off, Do we have the right to take it back to them and say we don't want it anymore? Bearing in mind that he had to get finance for it.


Reversing lights are not a mandatory item. The rules simply state if fitted, they must meet a performance standard however, there is no rule which states they must work.

The cracked tail light lens is different.

Two reasons for rejection are:
1) A lens is missing, or has a hole, crack or other damage that allows moisture or dirt to enter
2) A lamps reflector is damaged or has deteriorated so that light output is reduced

It sounds like the other areas of concern are cosmetic rather than structural and not a reason to automatically ask for your money back.

Your son should have taken steps to have the car fully inspected before committing to purchase to be honest.

If you can prove the car was misrepresented at the time of sale, then you may have some comeback on the Dealer.

We suggest a visit to the Dealer (you and your son together) to discuss the cars general condition would be the best place to start.