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I had a noise in my engine. Noise got worse and I started leaking water when I stopped the car. The water in the radiator turned rusty brown. Garage told me that the water pump is gone and it will cost $1500. to fix. As I dont have that kind of cash up front - can I safely use the car on short distances if I keep topping up with water. Just until I have the cash to fix it - one month! Garage told me not to drive it as the engine could sieze up at any time. I would like a second opinion as I have to be able to get to work!


I have to agree with the garage, you should not be driving the car in this condition.

The noise sounds like the water pump bearing is on its last legs and this can mean (due to excessive play in the impellor shaft) the engine water bypasses the seal completely and pours out of the pump onto the ground.

Overheating the engine is definitely on the cards if you continue to use the car.

I suggest you get a couple of other estimates as the $1500 you have been quoted sounds more than just a straight out water pump replacement.

To help make the job more affordable, you could suggest the garage replace the pump only. Any additional work that was included in the $1500 estimate may be able to be left and done when your finances improve.