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Hii- we are replacing my wifes car and she realy likes the A-Series Benzes. However - after a lot of time on the internet researching this I have read some disturbing thinkgs about the early model A160 transmissions having very serious problems. Conversely have no visibility of any other major recurring faults oin A-series imports or otherwise. We understand that as it's a Euro if something does break it'll be expensive - but are you aware of anything specific we whould be wary of? We think we'd be in the market for a 2002 model or better. Extended warranties are also limited and very expensive for Euro cars. Any advice apreciated, thank you.


These cars are considered extremely high risk with expensive transmissions problems not unusual.

One of the biggest frustrations for repairers is the brain of the electronic system (computer) is housed inside the transmission itself so it’s a major repair to do any transmission related work full stop.

And once any repairs have been carried out to the electronic side of the transmission, a Mercedes Dealer needs to undertake a re-programme function so the transmission and the electronics synchronise with each other to ensure the transmission operates correctly.


That's great advice - thank you very much. You've made our decision easy on that basis - we'll look elsewhere. Cheers.

Regards... Rick