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Hi there.

My 1300cc Nissan Sunny LE will often start to cut in and out (stutter/jerk) when driving/cruising. Sometimes it does it during acceleration from cold as well.
It has been suggested that this may be a fault in a module in the distributor or something with the airflow meter as these are possible known issues with this model car.
We are going to get another distributor and see if it comes right but we are trying to fix something we haven't clearly identified yet. Any ideas?



If you can pickup second hand parts to try at no cost, its not a bad move as these sorts of problems can be very hard to identify.

It can be a toss of the coin, but from what we have heard the airflow meter maybe a better place to start first.

A quick check for fault codes in the engine management computer is also advisable. Your local garage should be able to do this fairly quickly.