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We have had our car for five years and it has been regularly serviced. It is automatic and has done 110000Kms.
It recently developed a vibrating type noise coming from the front right. The noise varies in intensity as we accelerate or slow down.
I mentioned this to the mechanic when we took it in for sevice this week. He said he could hear the noise but was at a loss as to what could be causing it. He checked all the things that could be loose, worn etc but found nothing. He said he was reluctant to start pulling the motor apart unless he knew what he could be looking for, and would do some research on what to do next. Have you heard of any problems like this? do you think we should wait while he does his research or get a second opinion?


We would totally support the mechanics view that he should not start pulling things apart until he is confident of just where to start looking and what the problem actually is.

It sounds a little unclear however just what the research actually is he intends carrying out.

Definitely no harm in seeking another opinion in fact, we would encourage you to do so.