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When going down a hill the car didnt seem to change up a gear when the speed was increasing.
It didnt change up untill I touched the accalorator this didnt seem right it also seemed to go through the gears when going up the hill ( I expected that but not as much as it did )
The hill was the Kilmog just north of Dunedin.
Should I get it checked out?


A lot depends on the age of your CRV but I suspect this transmission is fitted with what is called Grade Logic Control.

In brief, this is a programme built into the electronic transmission control module which is designed to predict the best gear for a given situation.

When travelling downhill for example and certain conditions are met around the vehicle/engine speed, engine load and throttle position, the transmission will 'hold' a gear to help provide engine braking rather than automatically drop into a higher gear.

Once you increase the vehicle speed by pushing on the throttle, the control module will assume engine breaking is no longer required and allow the transmission to shift to another gear.

The same shift pattern can happen driving uphill’s as well to stop the transmission constantly up-or-down shifting however this may not be so noticeable.

Definitely get the transmission performance checked out (Honda Dealer would be best) by asking if you could drive with a mechanic so you can demonstrate the change pattern.