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How much does it cost to replace a head gasket on a 1991 Toyota Starlet?


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 20 January 2010


To be honest it depends on what is found once the cylinder head is removed.

It would not be hard to spend around the $500 mark and even more if the head had a crack or needed some repair that required a complete dismantle of valves etc.

You need to find a trusted mechanic who can look at the vehicle in general and offer an opinion on whether it's worth spending the money on.

If you decide to proceed, make sure you have a clear understanding with the repairer of being updated on progress and potential cost increases.

The one problem with jobs like this is once started you are committed in some way. If the repairs are bigger than first thought you can often end up spending more than the cars value, while it would be difficult to sell the car in a dismantled state.

Another option is to advertise the car with a head gasket problem and be open to offers to sell.