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Why do windscreen wipers make a noise ? Is it an indication that they are warn-out ? Mine are over three years old (on a 2008 Nissan Navara STX)


Putting up with noisy wipers can be a very frustrating experience. I suspect the blades need replacing but be warned, genuine replacements aren’t cheap.

Non genuine blades are often miles cheaper, but they don’t always work anywhere near as good.

You won’t regret making the change, besides eliminating the noise, the screen will clear much better.

And make sure you give the windscreen a good clean at the same time to complement the new blades.


I had this problem (see other post) and replaced my wipers three times, even buying expensive ones but they still juddered across the windscreen, the faster I drove the noisier they were. Finally I was advised to replace the whole wiper blade assembly - blades included - it only cost around $13.00 for one and the problem is solved.