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My Mum (79 years) owns a small Diatsu Sirion. We helped her buy it new as it was perfect for the higher seat for someone like her who has had a major hip replacement. However there is not much "bonnet/bumper" at the front and often the Auckland City gutters are higher that the light panels on the front. Family drivers contimue to have trouble judging distance when parking. I thought it was due to my Mum's age but even we siblings are having trouble. Two years down the track, we have a number of bashes and crashers on the front panel work - any ideas from driving instructors on how to judge better the distance re parking with such cars - especially for the elderly?? This day of technology must have an easy solution.


Fitting proximity sensors to the car may be the easiest solution.

They are placed into the front bumper area and emit a warning 'beep' to alert the driver when the car is moving toward a solid object. Ideal for parking.

Suggest you give a company called Dynatron a call to discuss possible options.