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The other day my car would not start and successfully used jumper leads believing it was a flat battery.

The next time I went to start the car the same thing happened and it required another jump start.

We put the battery on a charger but it has not worked. When I turn the key it makes a clicking noise.

What could this be?


from the "Ask Jack" archives - 8 December 2009


When the clicking noise starts try pushing the horn button and turn on the headlights. If both work normally then the battery should be OK.

If the lights either fade or fail to come on and the horn doesn't work it means the battery is either flat or due for replacement.

Possibly the battery has not responded to the charge and is past its used by date.

If it's not the battery it may be the starter motor playing up.

If you are a AA member it would pay to call the breakdown service. A roadservice officer should be able to identify the cause of the clicking straight away which may save time and money.