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I have a 2000 model Mazda Demio with approximately 90k km's which I have owned since it had 5k km's. The car has had 3 sets of new tyres on the front and each time the left front tyre wears on the outside edge. I have had the wheel alignment checked 4 times while I have owned it and this has not shown up anything that could have caused the level of wear. What else could be causing this wear, and what do I ask garage to look for next?


You don’t say who is carrying out the alignment checks.

If it's from a general tyre store or garage then I suggest it’s time to find a specialist wheel alignment business who live and breathe suspension and steering geometry issues.

The Demio has a very basic suspension set-up so it shouldn’t be difficult for a trained eye to go over the car and make adjustments as required.

Obviously tyre pressures are vital to ensure even tyre wear.