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I have owned a Mazda CX7 for 3 years. Its a great car in every way except for one frustrating thing, the throttle is far too sensitive. Drive down a bumpy residential road at 50 kpm and it is very difficult to keep a constant speed. I have spoken to the agents on several occasions and they say as it is electronic there is nothing they can do about it. I would like to know a) if this is a common concern of CX7 owners and b) if there are any suggestions as to how this might be rectified.


We have driven the CX-7 on several occasions as part of Mazda's press drive programme and cannot say we have ever commented negatively on the sensitivity of the throttle.

The throttle will be what is called 'fly by wire' which means there is no cable or mechanical linkage between the drivers pedal and the engine throttle body.

In short there are no adjustments to firm up the throttle pedal feel.

It may be helpful if you were to drive the exact same model to confirm the throttle action is the same as your vehicle.

I’m sure the Dealer would make a vehicle available for you to test.


Thanks for the feedback. I will as suggested compare with another CX7 to determine whether its me being picky or that I do have a problem.