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I've noticed a couple of times that my car has been a bit sluggish to start (one was parked overnight after a 1 hour + journey) so I checked the voltage the other day using a multimeter (car had been siting for several days - all interior lights etc off) and the voltage was reading 12v. (I am assuming the multimeter is correct as I recently purchased and new battery for another vehicle and that registered just over 12.6V which I understand is fully/nearly fully charged).
I took the car for another drive (1 hour, open road, 80km distance) and voltage was up to 12.5 on the battery shortly after. i checked the next morning and it was down 12.4v).
It was due a service from the dealer so I mentioned it to them and they said they checked the battery and it was fine and they gave it a charge (not sure how much charge goes into a battery in a couple of hours though. This was on Friday - so 5 days ago). I've just checked the voltage again now and it's reading 12.28v).
Is this something to be concerned about? The battery is only a couple of years old, the car is garaged and predominately used for longer 30+min journeys, no commute, no stop/start enabled).
Some of the articles I've read suggest that this below 70% charge? I do have a Ctek charger so have the appropriate means to charge but wanted to get an expert opinion first on what the voltage should be like on a well maintained/charged battery?
Thank you,

Hello, I have forwarded your question to our battery expert and he has some more questions for you. Are you able to provide us with your contact email so we can look into your query further.

Hi Ian, yes I can - is there an email address that I can send to (as opposed to putting my email address here?) Thank you,

Hi there, is there somewhere I can send my email address instead of posting it here please? Or failing that, my email address is linked to my AA membership if you can see that? Thank you.