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My Toyota Camry 2010 has as of late displayed a yellow triangle sign on the dashboard, when I turn the engine off. It doesn't happen every time though, yet on and off it happens. However when I start up the car it is not showing. This sign would display on the dashboard, with some warning sound, fro about 10-20seconds and then it goes off by itself.

Should I be concerned, as this looks quite a warning?


This is the Master warning light, It will illuminate while the engine is running to display a fault, if this happens your should get it checked out.
If the light extinguishes after the vehicle starts up it should mean the systems are ok,
this is its self checking process.


Thanks Ian; the warning only comes up when I stop the car engine; it doesn't illuminate when I start up the car though. During the course of driving it doesn't show either.

Anyway I have booked a full service for my car now so hopefully will get this checked out soon
