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We have a 2013 Toyota RAV4 AWD Signature Class that we purchased in December 2016 from the local Toyota Dealer. The speedometer is overeading (?), for example when the speedo state that we are travelling at 50kmh our GPS and various Police electronic speed registers display that the vehicle is only doing 42kmh i.e. a 16% difference. Similarly when the speedo shows 100kmh the GPS states 92kmh (an 8% difference). Are these acceptable levels of tolerance or not - The Toyota dealer assures me that they are.

Hi there,
This would seem normal, all cars have a small amount of over reading built into the speedo system.
The industry standard is •The speedo must not indicate a speed less than the vehicle’s true speed or a speed greater than the vehicle’s true speed by an amount more than 10% plus 4 km/h.

Many thanks for clarifying that.