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I purchased a toyota corrolla from a toyota dealership ( 2008 model with approx. 100000km ) .

I puchased it mid October. Mid december while driving the battery light came on and then shortly after on the same drive the power steering gave out .

I called AA road aide assistance out and was tolds the alternator was broken and that the car had the wrong battery in it.

I took the car back to the dealership and they are saying i need to pay for the repairs.

I thought this would be covered under the consumer guarantee act as the car was purchased less than 3 months before the failure.

Can you please advise me on who should be paying for repairs?



Hi there,
A failure of a vehicle component after such a short period of ownership could be seen as the vehicle sold to you not being fit for purpose or durable.
This link has a flow chart of what best to do in this scenario: