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Hey there,
I was just wanting to get some insight in regards to my car issue. I have a Holden Viva 2006 and recently its had problems starting, this only just started on drive home on a hot day, before that it could get to and from Dunedin to Glenavy (2 hr trip) just fine. It wouldnt start when i had stopped for 5 minutes, i had to accelerate and have my foot on the brake to put my car into Drive and then it would go, but once i had got home and put it in park it would instantly turn off, then an hour later i tried turning it on and it turned on straight away. The next day it did the same thing after travelling 3 hours straight. So my dad opened her up and we replaced the spark plugs and the air filter as both were pretty grubby, then was rouring away, but again once it got hot after a long drive, it wouldnt turn on and go unless i could get it into Drive again while accelerating and having ,my foot on the break. So we have come to the conclusion that its only doing it when its hot but we have no idea why, just wondering if you guys had any ideas. It runs perfectly in the mean time (getting to and from work) and when making small trips.


I have not herd of this issue It could possibly point to many control systems that keep the engine running.
I would say your first port of call would be a mechanical / Electrical shop for an engine diagnosis scan.

Perhaps other members have experienced a similar experience in the past and can shed some light on the symptoms that you have described.