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Dear advisor, when changing all the brake hoses, would the right procedure be to:

1) change the left rear hose first, then bleed the left rear brake
2) change the right rear hose, then bleed the right rear brake
3) change the left front hose, then bleed the left front brake
4) change the right front hose, then bleed the right front brake
(The cars are a 2001 Suzuki Alto and 2004 Toyota Passo).

I would appreciate your valuable advice and any additional tips for a proper job.


Yes if you are changing all the brake hoses that would be the correct order for both vehicles. Working your way from the brake hose that is farthest to the on that is closest to the master cylinder. The same principal applies to brake bleeding too.
You should engage the help of an assistant and apply pressure on the brake pedal after the job is complete check all the brake unions for leaks afterwards.


Thanks very much Ian, for your helpful advice :)