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I bought a Toyota Allex (2004 model) in March 2017 from a dealer. When I test drove it the Air Conditioning wasn't working, or barely was. It was part of my condition to buy the car that it was checked and repaired - which they did.

Now, about 6 months later, I notice that the dehumidifying and cooling is notably working less effectively than even a month ago. On the coolest setting the air is barely colder than the outside air.

Am I right that this should be an issue they should address under the CGA? If they repaired it in the first instance then doesn't a separate warranty exist from the one for the car itself? Alternatively, if they didn't in fact repair it and merely recharged the coolant then they haven't honoured the original (written) conditions of purchase so should have to repair it anyway correct?

My previous car's air conditioning was recharged with coolant and it lasted about 8 years before it noticeably started to not work well. Is the 7 months I have had on this car an unreasonbably short time even for a used car?



Hi there,
Under the CGA the dealer can repair as they see fit, and usually with A/C the first thing to do will be to check for leaks and then "recharge it" and hope it lasts. But in your case there might be a leak, a stone may have gone through the core for example.
I would recommend speaking to the dealer and mentioning that the repair has not lasted, and requires further investigation and you believe they are still responsible for the longevity of the repairs carried out in the first instance.