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Hi there
My 2004 Nissan Micra (under 60,000 kms) recently started experiencing an intermittent power steering problem - ie: no power to the steering - very heavy to steer.
I researched the problem on line and it appears it is a common fault with this model.
My local mechanic had a fault code assessment done and it was re-set and we thought that may have fixed the problem, but it has come back.
Would it be best to approach Nissan about fixing it or would any auto-electrician be ok to get the work done - just not sure what to do next as my mechanic has recommended we go to an auto electrician but knowing it is a common fault, I'm wondering if Nissan would be the better way to go even though they will probably be more expensive.
Have you had any other concerns about the power steering with Micras?
Thanks for your advice


Hi there,
I've not received any complaints of this nature in the Micra, however it may be best to have a Nissan agent look at it as they would have 'local' knowledge which could save money in the long run.