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Hi Everyone,

I have decided to contact Fairgo. If anyone is interested please let me know.

My number is 021814339

I have just been quoted $3k for a new part. Mitsubishi have offer it to me for $1600.

It is my understanding that there was a software programming fault with the motor. That once the there is a loss of power it can not reset. I do not believe that I should have to pay for a part that was fit for purpose.

I would have been able to have 8 of these parts for the price of my car! It is a fine example of a monopoly. You buy the car in good faith. A part with a now internationally known default breaks. And the only way you can get it fixed is to buy it from Mitsubishi for the eight of the cost of the entire car.

I think we need to bring this out into the open.
