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How do electric cars charge when the power is off - in power black out?

Does it work out cheaper paying for electricity than for petrol?

Can any mechanic fix them or do you have to go to someone who specialises in electric cars?

How long do you think, before the prices of electric cars go down ?

Do they require car oil or just power steering oil, brake fluid oil etc?

How long does it take to charge an electric car and whar distance can they do before need charging? Not dependant on fuel tank but size of battery?


Hi there,
If there is no power at home to change an EV, you may need to go to a charging station that may still have power or use generators to maintain electricity.
Yes electricity is cheaper than petrol per km.
A specialist will need to carryout any work needed on an EV.
EV, s don't require engine oil, and should have electric steering (no oil) just brake fluid.
Charging times and distance vary from vehicle manufacture and power outlet used.