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I've recently seen a Peugeot 206 GTI for sale which I'm very interested in.

However as I have never owned a European car, will it be an easy car to own in respect of future maintenance cost as compare to Japanese car, say a Toyota? If it's an expensive car to keep, then what options are there to counter it?


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 19 April 2010


As is often the way with European vehicles, the 206 GTi is likely to be a more expensive vehicle to maintain and repair than your typical Japanese brand.

Part of the issue is due to the exclusivity of European vehicles, for complicated repair work you may be best to take the vehicle to a dealership or some sort of specialist. These workshops will typically charge a higher hourly rate than a more general repair shop.

Also parts for European vehicles tend to be more expensive and less available; it's not uncommon to have to wait several weeks for parts to be sourced from Europe, which - depending on the part - could mean your left without your car over that time.

That said, it's hard to find a Japanese vehicle with the character and looks of the 206 GTi. I understand emotion is a huge part of buying a car; you need to look at what is most important to you.

If outright reliability is the most important factor to your purchase, history would suggest the Japanese brand vehicles are the best option. If the enjoyment of owning a more premium, sporty-looking vehicle is important you may need to accept a compromise in ownership costs.

Buying Japanese doesn't guarantee trouble-free motoring of course, avoid the less common Japanese domestic market vehicles that may make maintenance and parts availability a problem.

Regardless of vehicle nationality always have a vehicle inspection carried out to make sure you're getting a good example.