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We are looking at buying a 2015 Mazda 3, GSX or SP25. Ex-demo cars appear to offer good savings over the recommended retail price, but I am weary that these cars may have not been treated well going by some online research (these cars been used as test cars etc).
Would appreciate your thoughts regarding buying new verses ex-demo. I note that the warranties carry over.

As you point out, there is a discount to be had when buying an ex-demo, and this is the attraction. But, as you say, they've been used for test drives and other demo purposes with a number of drivers, so they're not actually brand new. However, I don't really see this as a problem because most people treat test drives with respect and it's unlikely any damage will have been done as a result, so I wouldn't be concerned about buying an ex-demo.
However, if you have any doubts, obviously new is the way to go. You will pay a bit more, but can be 100% certain that you know how the car was treated from day 1.

Thanks for your prompt reply. Is there anyway of determining whether or not a demo car has been run in correctly, or abused? Would you recommend getting a pre purchase check or would nothing show up?
I guess at the end of the day it comes down to specific cars, how many km's the car has travelled and how the different dealers treat their demo cars. In the first instance it might be worthwhile seeing what kind of deal can be had for a new car, and compare to demo prices.

Essentially, an ex-demo should be in as-new condition. If it's not, that's really the only indicator about how it may have been treated and I wouldn't buy it.
So, assuming it is as-new and will have done very low kms, I doubt whether a pre-purchase inspection would find anything wrong, plus you have the balance of new car warranty in the event of a failure.
However, you're really answered your own question. If you can negotiate a sharp deal on a new car, that's still the preference.

Sorry one final comment....are there any other models that we should be considering? I note from previous entries that the Mazda 3 seems to tick all the boxes for reliability, features, fuel consumption etc.

We've been highly impressed with the Mazda3. Driving dynamics, build quality and spec level are very impressive. It also has a great 6 speed automatic transmission, as opposed to CVT which most of the Japanese competitors have. Not that there's anything wrong with the new generation of CVTs from a reliability perspective, but from a driver's point of view, a nice 6 speed auto feels much better. It's probably the one I'd go for in this sector.
Others to compare against would be Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic, both of which are older models now and not as interesting from a driver's perspective. The VW Golf is also very good to drive, but spec for spec, the Mazda3 offers more.

Thanks for your comments and advice :-)