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In order to access parts of the coast for scuba diving I need to get a 4WD. Doesn't need to be too capable, but has to be able to negotiate soft sand/pebble beaches and a couple of nasty rock saddles. I won't use the vehicle for much more than this because I commute on a motorbike now. Maybe for long family trips away.

It makes no sense to have a new vehicle for this so I'm looking at older second hand options. It seems - due to old diesels being much more dirty and expensive to maintain - that I ought to stick with an older petrol Surf/Challenger or similar.

What is your opinion?


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 14 December 2009


You are in a no win situation in many ways.

I can fully understand your situation and see your logic not wanting a diesel and agree a Surf or Challenger would be good options under the circumstances.

All you can do is try and find a vehicle which has had a good service history. They do exist but are sometimes hard to find.

Visit your local Toyota or Mitsubishi dealer, they may have traded in a vehicle which suits your needs.

You have talked a lot of sense so far, I'm sure you will come up with the right vehicle.

Stay away from the older Nissan diesels (Mistral / Terrano) if you do change your mind re a diesel. They have a bad reputation for body corrosion issues. In the environment you intend using a vehicle this situation may quickly develop.