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Hi there,
we bought a car which we were happy with and has new WOF but when i tried to do a carjam and VIR search - the description of the car comes wrong. should we be worried?
the car we bought is a 2002 corolla X 1.5 litre sedan but it shows in both those page was 2002 corolla X 1.5 STATIONWAGON. not sure if this will have any effect?
link to Carjam report:
Please advice if there is anything we can do. Little concerned.
Many thanks

Hopefully, it's only that the details were incorrectly entered when the vehilce was first registered - this is the most likely scenario.
The other possibility (but hopefully not) is that the vehcile has had an identity change.
If you let us know the full model number from the chassis plate, we should be able to decode it to tell you if the number relates to a sedan or a wagon.
If it has been entered into NZTA database incorrectly, it should be possible to get it changed.

hi there, thanks a lot and would much appreciate this. Chassis plate : NZE121-0158023.
this is off the Carjam report which matches up the car. all other details seems fine but only thing it doesn't match up is body style - it says station wagon on the report but it's a sedan. car looks very original. i would be surprised if this has been modified. a old lady owned since it was imported to NZ. would appreciate your help. Also if it was typing error - if you could guide me how to correct this would be much appreciated.
many thanks

Yes, I saw those numbers too, but the numbers that determine body style (sedan, hatch, wagon etc) come after those numbers. They will be on the chassis plate and may be a series of letters and numbers.
While it's most likely that the details (ie; wagon) were entered incorrectly into the system when the vehicle was imported, if the numbers on the plate say the vehicle is a wagon (in other words, an illegal identity change has taken place), then you may have a problem.

Hi there, thanks for your guidance. I managed to get those numbers and they are " TA-NZE121-AEPNK-V"
Typing this in google brought us result on exact sedan we have but ownership paper and vir/carjam says it's a station wagon.
It has been in nz for over 6 years and always got WOF and rego without any question being asked.
If the number suggest its a sedan - how do we correct this? Can we just call ltsa and fix this? Thanks a lot for your help in. Advance

This is a sedan. You can contact NZTA on 0800 108 809 to get info on how to get this changed in the system.

thanks a lot for your help Mr Bayliss :) all sorted now.