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I am looking at purchasing a car from an AA Appraised Used Vehicle dealership. The car has not met compliance standards yet, as it has just come from Japan. We have seen in its un-groomed state today, and are satisfied by what we can see. We are waiting on the dealer to complete this step this week before we can finalise. We had already planned to arrange a mechanic pre-purchase inspection after this. What is the difference between AA appraisal and Pre-purchase inspection? Is it worthwhile for us to still have a mechanic come to inspect after it has met compliance?


Yes, I believe it is worth having a pre-purchase inspection carried out for your own peace of mind.
While AA Appraised cars will be of a reasonable standard, the appraisal is done for the dealer to give him some assurance that it is a vehicle of a minimum reasonable standard to retail on his yard, however it is not a full inspection as a pre-purchase inspection is.
As far as compliance is concerned, this is merely an inspection to ensure the vehicle meets legal and safety requirements, not a mechanical inspection.