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Hi, I have found the car I want (2000 RAV4 manual) have driven it. Goes great. very good condition...but, I have bought a carjam report and found out that the car has been de-registered 6 years ago and re-registered within 3 month. I can only assume it was written-off and then rebuilt. How stringent is the re-registration process? Can I buy the car with confidence that it has been rebuilt to the highest standard?


This vehicle will almost certainly be a repaired write-off. The re-registration process is only in place to ensure the vehicle will be safe, but there are no guarantees as to the standard of the repair otherwise.
Be mindful that the value of an ex-write off will be significantly impacted and this vehicle will have a lower value than other similar vehicles without the chequered history.
I'd be cautious about such a purchase, and would at least have the vehicle inspected, with instructions to the inspector to look out for evidence of past accident repairs.


Useful reply, many thanks. JP