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We are looking for a second hand car and safety is a prime factor.

One major safety feature that no-one seems to know much about is side intrusion beams. They don't seem to be listed as a safety feature on TradeMe, and no vendor I've asked has known for sure.

I am particularly interested in the date side intrusion beams were introduced for Corolla, Caldina, Camry.

I understand that these dates vary for imports vs NZ new cars.

Hope you can help.


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 8 December 2009


I would suggest most people don't know whether their cars have a side intrusion beam or not, hence the reason they are not promoted or listed as a safety feature.

From my experience side intrustion was a popular selling point back in the late 80's and early 90's, before the days of multiple airbags in mass produced vehicles and stronger, more rigid body construction.

The modern fleet have, in the main, some variation of a side intrusion beam fitted -whether it be part of the general door frame design, or a bar or rod running through the inner door skin.

Volvo was one the pioneer's of this sort of technology as safety was their huge point of difference for many years.

To complicate things a little; in some of the older vehicles a side intrusion beam was something that could be fitted or added into the door frame during assembly and was used in some markets and not others.

Before local assembly of motor vehicles stopped in NZ for example, you may have had a vehicle fitted with a side intrusion beam whereas a Japanese used import of the same model did not.

Remember a side intrusion beam will help protect the occupants hip and pelvis area in the event of a side impact, whereas the introduction of side and curtain airbags in recent times are designed to help protect against head and neck injuries as well, as the current commercial running on TV demonstrates so well.

In terms of specific models you would be better to contact the distributor in this case Toyota NZ and ask the question particularly if you are looking at used imports.

Alternatively if you are looking at purchasing from a licensed trader ask for the door trim to be removed so you can confirm one way or another. If they are keen to make a sale, I'm sure they would oblige.