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I want to buy a Station-wagon. I travel to and from Henderson to Penrose, presently working night shifts.
I want to know whether I would be better off with an Automatic or a Manual.
Kind Regards,


That comes down to personal preference. A conventional automatic transmission will make driving in heavy stop/go traffic less frustrating as the constant clutch engagement can be hard work but a manual 'box is the fun option if you're a petrol head.

When it comes time to repair the transmission, the manual gearbox is normally the easier one to fix and costs a lot less.


Well, petrol head I'm not. I have an Car that has automatic transmission and the air compression is just about knackered and my mechanic said it can't be fixed unless I want to drop a new motor in it; which I don't. So I guess I have to choose between stop/go and using more petrol or get another automatic which as you say are costly when they have problems.